Monday, Feb 24, 2025 | Last Update : 01:05 PM IST
Sarahah is an app developed by a UAE based developer, ZainAlabdin Tawfiq. ‘Sarahah’ means ‘Honesty’ in Arabic. Initially, it started as a website in November 2016 to enable employees to share honest feedback with their superiors limited to Saudi Arabia so that they can improve all the more and work on their areas of improvements anonymously but not in much time, it crossed geographical barriers and within few months, it is already a trending application in 30+ countries and thousands of application downloads are already made on regular basis. As per last official number, 300 Million profiles are duly registered and it is not somewhere going to stop anytime soon. All you have to do is to make your profile and share your profile’s link among your friends, acquaintances and colleagues. Post sharing you’ll receive messages without knowing sender’s information.
But on a serious note, do we really need an app as a medium of receiving feedback? Why are we so dependent on social media? Why the virtual world has too much of influence on our lives? Why is feedback not welcomed in person? They are anyways positive. People are getting loads of messages from their lovers, haters, well-wishers or may be some other uncommon categories if exists. This is not much, the recipients of these messages are also curious and try to know where these messages are coming from. They are sharing these Sarahah messages on social media profile such as Facebook, Snapchat and even LinkedIn. Many people raised their voice against this application and some are in favour but the bitter reality is that on daily basis cyber-bullying cases are on the hike at least in the Indian context. People are getting secret messages from their stalkers. People are feeling insecure and curious at the same time assuming what will be their next Sarahah message for them? Despite giving importance to human words or expressions, we indulge ourselves in the artificial world which is created for our own convenience.
According to the general pattern, people are broadcasting their Sarahah Ids on Instagram stories or WhatsApp status or Facebook where everyone is virtually connected but are these platforms trustworthy enough to seek constructive feedback? How genuine and constructive feedback could one expect secretively from the place where is so massive and prone to biases. Platforms like Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook are full of your extremists who likes you or hates you. Their feedback would not be worthy enough to work on. Because of these or similar platforms, people don’t prefer to talk face to face. We human being are believed to be most intelligent living creatures ever known because of our logical aptitude and expressions. We are the creators of these apps are also the victims ourselves narcissistic behaviour.