Monday, Feb 24, 2025 | Last Update : 06:53 AM IST
Today’s date will be the milestone in FIFA history when two superpowers of the world, India and the United States of America will be confronting each other in the football ground. India is the official host for FIFA U-17 World cup and today’s match will be at national capital’s Jawaharlal Nehru stadium. The much-awaited Indian U-17 Football team will be playing for the first time under the guidance of Coach Luis Norton de Matos.
The Indian team will also be competing against Ghana, Columbia and much more in other groups. There will be 21 members team including Dheeraj Singh (17); Sunny Dhaliwal (17) and Prabhsukhan Gill (16) as goalkeepers, Sanjeev Stalin (16); Boris Singh (17); Jitendra Singh (16); Anwar Ali (17); Hendry Antonay (17) and Namit Deshpande (17) as defenders, Suresh Singh (17); Amarjit Singh (16); Jeackson Singh (16); Komal Thatal (17); Ninthoinganba Meetei (16); Lalengmawia (16); Nongdamba Naorem (17); Rahul Praveen (17); Mohammad Shahjahan (17) and Abhijit Sarkar as midfielders and Aniket Jadhav (17) and Rahim Ali (17) as strikers.
Our team is super excited and very much confident to face on and playing today in their home country may prove to be a boost for them. We wish our U-17 team all the best.