Saturday, Mar 01, 2025 | Last Update : 11:26 AM IST
Since the Russian Revolution of 1917, when the United States supported the anti-communist side, Russia and the US have been in a constant state of tension and hostility. Numerous territorial encroachments, proxy wars and alternating alliances have set the stage for both countries to fear each other imperialist goals.
In recent years, Russian President Vladimir Putin has called the United States a 'Parasite', living off the global economy. Throughout Russia, Americans are given the nickname, "Pindos", that suggests that they are heavily armed and surrounded by technology but weak and ineffectual without it.
This break in relations can in part be attributed to the United States' push for sanctions following Russia's annexation of Crimea. A number of problems with Russia's economy, including the collapse of their currency, and their inability to borrow money, are the result for US involvement.
In Russia, the prices for food and basic goods have dramatically increased. Russia's GDP Growth has been declining steadily. While Russia's GDP growth rate was 4.5% in 2010, it came down to negative in 2016 and was -0.6% in 2016. 2015 was the worst year for Russia as its GDP growth was in negative at -3.7%.
Russia is also unhappy with the buildup of NATO forces throughout Eastern Europe following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russians see the increase in NATO's military bases and