Saturday, Mar 01, 2025 | Last Update : 11:52 AM IST
Millions of Anti-Trump protestors took to US Streets across the United States of America, yelling "Not my President, not today." Americans are upset with Trump's victory. Protestors burnt Trump's effigy across US Streets last night. People are furious not just at the results of the election, but the rhetoric of Donald Trump.
Trump, who clinched the nomination by securing 270 Electoral College votes, currently leads Clinton 290-228, though Michigan and New Hampshire have yet to be called.
Hillary Clinton, however, received more popular votes thatn Trump. Clinton had 59,755,284 votes, according to CNN's tally, with 92% of the expected vote counted. Trump had 59,535,522. That difference of 219,762 is very narrow considering the nearly 120 million votes counted so far. The final tally is awaited. If the trend continues, then Hillary Clinton would become the first presidential candidate since Al Gore in 2000 to win the popular vote but lose the election.
In New York on Wednesday morning, groups of Trump supporters cheered his victory outside Trump Tower. Pop star Lady Gaga, a vocal Hillary Clinton supporter stood atop a sanitation truck outside Trump Tower in New York, with a sign that read: "Love trumps hate."