Thursday, Mar 13, 2025 | Last Update : 11:48 AM IST
We had earlier reported about a girl found in UP, claimed to be living with a troop of monkeys. She was rescued by officials and was being treated at the Bahraich hospital in northern India.
Contrary to initial claims girl’s rapid improvement indicates she was recently abandoned by her carers
But far from being raised by monkeys in the Katarniya Ghat forest range, the girl, who doctors believe has mental and physical disabilities, was likely to have been recently abandoned in the wilderness by her parents.
JP Singh said the girl was actually found on a roadside near the forest, not deep in the wilderness. And though there were monkeys in her vicinity, his rangers “never found this girl living with monkeys”, he said.
“I think the family members of this girl had been aware that she is not able to speak, and they may have abandoned her near the forest road,” he said. “If she was living with monkeys it would have been for a few days only, not for a long time.
“It is clear from first time view, if you see the girl, that she is only eight or nine years old, but her facial expressions show that she is disabled, not only mentally but also physically,” he said.