Sunday, Jan 19, 2025 | Last Update : 08:35 PM IST
The less-fated school bus carried more than 31 passengers including the driver and a teacher. The vehicle met with the accident at 8.20 am at Samlehu village near Dehar, located 45 kms from the district headquarters, Mandi. The injured school children belong to Mandwayar and other villages and the bus belongs to a private school located in Dehar.
Its believed that the main cause for the accident is the driver, who lost control over the vehicles negotiating the huge pot holes on the road and the vehicle unfortunately fell into a 25 meter deep gorge.
12 or more children had multiple fractures and the driver has also sustained injuries.The local administration has announced an immediate relief of Rs. 5,000 to each of the seriously injured, besides promising them free treatment. The roof of the bus was badly dented and had scratched all over making it difficult for the students to get out of the vehicle.