Beware: 'Loan Approved' Scam E-mail

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Beware: 'Loan Approved' Scam E-mail

Fraudsters are taking advantage of the desperation of those with cash and credit problems to trick them into personal loan scams through Loan Approval e-mails. Read more.
Dec 14, 2016, 11:50 am ISTTechnologyAazad Staff
Loan Approved Scam
  Loan Approved Scam

Loan Phishing Scams have become very common in India now. This happens through e-mail when scamsters impersonate a business to trick you into giving out your personal information, it’s called phishing.

Scamsters send you beautifully drafted e-mails that makes you believe that your loan has been approved. They obtain your personal information by impersonating the websites of well known banks or financial institutions. Scamsters even spend a bit of time building a legitimate looking website offering you a loan. In either case the goal is the same: to get your personal information.

Take for instance this e-mail that came from that entices us to click on the link to submit your personal details.

'Loan Approved' Scam E-mail 'Loan Approved' Scam E-mail

The subject line says that the loan has been approved and the body has contradictory statement that says "Get faster approval at no cost, click here to submit your details". Well, if you had already applied for loan, it means that your bank has your details already and would never ask for it once again, therefore there is no need for you to submit your personal info here. It is just a trap laid by scamsters to trick you into furnishing your personal details online through the link in their emails. Do not be gullible and DO NOT CLICK on any of the links in the e-mail, if you receive such an email. If you end up entering your name, address, date of birth and mobile number, it is very easy for the scamster to contact your bank and gain access to your account easily.

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