Friday, Mar 07, 2025 | Last Update : 08:47 AM IST
One of the most widely used ingredients in almost every cuisine around the world is Garlic. Garlic is extremely popular because it gives flavor to every dish and has a lot of health benefits.
How to Use Garlic?
Garlic is best consumed raw, because its active ingredient Allicin loses its properties if it is processed thermally. Crush and slice the cloves and leave it aside for 15 minutes before you eat it. When you crush the cloves, it activates a reaction that increases the Allicins bio-availability. It is also best if you eat garlic on an empty stomach, because it is easier for your body to absorb the nutrients when your stomach is not full.
Raw Garlic and Honey
Mince 2-3 Garlic cloves and mix them with one tablespoon of honey. Consume this mixture every day and you will notice how energized you feel and how much healthier you will be.