Thursday, Mar 06, 2025 | Last Update : 01:47 PM IST
Inspiring Lives
The basis of all systems, social or political, rests upon the goodness of men. No nation is great or good because parliament enacts this or that, but that its men are great and good.
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Everyone’s life is a page in the human history irrespective of the position he or she holds or the work he or she performs
-A P J Abdul Kalam
When I look at Dr Sarabhai’s one-page vision statement now and see the results it has created, I am overwhelmed
-A P J Abdul Kalam
When a mission is in progress, there will always be some problems or failures, but the failures should not become the master of the programme
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Transformation is the outcome of a farsighted vision, innovative mind and guiding spirit
-A P J Abdul Kalam
She was inspired and motivated by seeing somebody who just goes all out to do something
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Give me a child for seven years, afterwards, let the God or the devil take the child, they cannot change the child.
-A P J Abdul Kalam
I believe there is no other profession in the world that is more important to society than that of a teacher
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Teachers are the backbone of any country, the pillar upon which all aspirations are converted into realities
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Learning needs freedom to think and freedom to imagine, and both have to be facilitated by the teacher
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A good teacher, with meticulous planning, prepares himself for teaching and the student for acquisition of knowledge
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Teachers have a great mission to ignite the minds of the young
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Teachers should be the best minds in the country
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A teacher has to create a lifelong autonomous learner
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The role of the teacher is like the proverbial ‘ladder’, it is used by everyone to climb up in life, but the ladder itself stays in its place
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A teacher’s life lights many lamps
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Teachers must be perpetual seekers of intellectual integrity and universal compassion
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The purpose of teaching is to create nation building capacities in students
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Misson Of Education
When learning is purposeful, creativity blossoms,
When creativity blossoms, thinking emanates,
When thinking emanates, knowledge is fully lit,
When knowledge is lit, economy flourishes.
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Education is an endless journey through knowledge and enlightenment
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Focus of the education system should be to train students to become autonomous learners
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Can we make an education system which will retain the smiles on the faces of our children?
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Schools must provide mission oriented learning with value system
-A P J Abdul Kalam
For parents and teachers, home and school campus must have an integrated mission
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Education should be imparted with a view to the type of society that we wish to build
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Schools must move from being educational centres to becoming knowledge and skill centres
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The 21st century is about the management of all the knowledge and information we have generated and the value addition that we can bring to it
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Real education enhances the dignity of a human being and increases his or her self-respect
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The education system has a tremendous responsibility to transform a child into a leader - the transformation from ‘What can you do for me’ to ‘What can I do for you?’
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The most important part of education is to inculcate in the students the spirit of ‘We can do it’
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Creativity And Innovation
An ignited mind is the most powerful resource on earth, above the earth and under the earth.
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Creativity and imagination of the human mind would always be superior to any computer
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Every mind is creative, every mind is inquisitive
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Creativity is seeing the same thing as everybody else, but thinking of something different
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Beautiful minds are the source of creativity-A P J Abdul Kalam
The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires to give the best to those who dream and work
-A P J Abdul Kalam
With determined efforts you can always succeed against established beliefs
-A P J Abdul Kalam
It is through the process of innovation that knowledge is converted into wealth
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The national innovative capacity is a country’s critical potential to reinforce both its political and economic entity
-A P J Abdul Kalam
In the new digital economy information that is circulated creates innovations and contributes to national wealth
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Art And Literature
Art is a benign expression of the inner beauty in nature. Be it a cartoon, sculpture or literary composition, it elevates the beautiful spirit of life for everyone to see and enjoy. Such a spirit silently but eloquently conveys the message of love, humour, affection and peace. . .
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Art helps to bring out the beauty of life in its noblest forms, imparting meaning and depth to human existence, justifying and vindicating the purpose for which life was evolved
-A P J Abdul Kalam
It is the privilege of authors that they can help mankind endure adversities and succeed in life
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Authors act as conscience keepers of the society
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Give one hour a day exclusively for book reading and you will become a knowledge centre in a few years
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Music and dance can be used as an instrument for ensuring global peace and act as a binding force
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The crowning glory of a nation is its thinkers
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Music is a great communication and language can never be a barrier
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Every painter and artist is a unique personality in search of beauty out of every event which enriches him
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Abiding Values
See the flower, how generously it distributes perfume and honey. It gives to all, gives freely of its love and, when its work is done, it falls away quietly. Try to be like the flower, unassuming despite all its qualities
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The right kind of education on moral values will upgrade the society and the country
-A P J Abdul Kalam
From the emperor down to the common man, the cultivation of the righteous life is the foundation for all
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The three key societal members who can make a difference are father, mother and teacher
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Once taught the children become conscience keepers
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Conscience is the divine light of the soul
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Conscience is a great ledger where our offences are booked and registered
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Corruption is an assault on the conscience
-A P J Abdul Kalam
What matters in this life more than winning for ourselves is helping others win
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Think ever of rising higher, let it be your only thought
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Science is the best boon that God has bestowed upon mankind. Science with reasoning becomes the capital of society. . . The convergence of science and technology with spirituality is touted to be the future for both science and technology, and spirituality
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Science and spiritualism seek the same divine blessings for doing good for the people
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Science tries to provide solutions for a better material life, while spiritualism looks at answers on how to lead a righteous life
-A P J Abdul Kalam
In whatever field we work, we have to remain in the service of the common man whose well being is central to all human knowledge and endeavour
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Science is all about asking questions and finding the right answers through hard work and research into laws of nature
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Science and science pursuits are borderless
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The science that we work with today must have the innovativeness, foresight and the vision for it to be the centre of technology that we develop tomorrow
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Religions are enchanting islands, veritable oases for the soul and the spirit
-A P J Abdul Kalam
If we can connect all the islands of religions with love and compassion in a ‘garland’, we will have a prosperous India
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Enlightened spiritual and scientific leaders all converge towards giving reverence to human life
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Tomorrow’s Citizens
If India is to become developed by 2020, it will do so only by riding on the shoulders of the young
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Encompassing the needs, rights and expectations of youth to the centrestage of development should be our priority
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Though the present academic system may give students a lot of workload, but it should not prevent them from dreaming
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The ‘dream-thought-action’ philosophy is what I would like to be inculcated in each and every student
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The young population of India must have a big aim, small aim is a crime
-A P J Abdul Kalam
It is not a disgrace to not reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for
-A P J Abdul Kalam
At the frontier there are no borders
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The young people are looking for challenging missions, good role models and leaders who can be their guiding spirit
-A P J Abdul Kalam
When women are empowered, a society with stability is assured. Gone are the days when women were considered subservient or secondary in almost all walks of life compared to men. It has now amply been proved that women are capable of executing any job as efficiently as men, if not more so.
-A P J Abdul Kalam
India has a long tradition of giving equal opportunity to women to excel in every field
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Women are shining in every field
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Every organisation has to be made aware that there is no difference between men and women
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Women are equal partners in national development
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Towards A Knowledge Society
Knowledge has always been the prime mover of prosperity and power. The acquisition of knowledge has therefore been the thrust area throughout the world and sharing the experience of knowledge is a unique culture of our country
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Ancient knowledge is a unique resource of our country and it is essential to leverage it both for our national well being and to mark our global presence
-A P J Abdul Kalam
In the 21st century a new society is emerging where knowledge is the primary production resource instead of capital and labour
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Information that is static is of no value
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Blended knowledge is better knowledge
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Bandwidth is the demolisher of imbalances and a great leveller in the knowledge society
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A digital library provides equitable access to knowledge to all the people, irrespective of place, caste,creed, colour or economic status.
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A digital library unites rather than divides
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Digital library is where the past meets the present and creates a future
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Building A Developed India
We should all create a nation that is one of the best places to live in on this earth and which brings smiles to a billion faces
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Our sweat will transform developing India into a Developed India
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Any country is as good as its citizens; their values and their character will be reflected in the country’s make-up
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A vast pool of human resources with a large proportion of a young population is a unique strength of our nation
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The precious asset of a company or a country is the skill, ingenuity and imagination of its people
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Repeating what we did before for several decades with more of the same may not be the way to proceed further
-A P J Abdul Kalam
All of us need to think and realise that the nation is greater than any one individual or organisation
-A P J Abdul Kalam
We have to collectively inculcate a positive attitude of what we can do for our country so that together we will be able to benefit ourselves
-A P J Abdul Kalam
We have a right and responsibility to leave a positive legacy to the posterity for which me all will be remembered
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Enlightened Citizenship
Enlightened citizenship has three components: education with value system, religion transforming into spiritual force, and creating economic prosperity through development
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Reverence for life is indeed possible if a philosophical thought of reverence can be transformed into actions by empowering the various components of society
-A P J Abdul Kalam
All of us have to work hard and do everything possible to make our behaviour civilized to protect the rights of every individual
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Only when each and every citizen has been empowered so that he can lead a fulfilled life with dignity, will there be national peace and prosperity
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The vision of a new world body has to be facilitating the evolution of enlightenzed citizens on the planet
-A P J Abdul Kalam
I belong to no nation, no civilisation, no society, no race, but to the Divine. I obey no master, no ruler, no law, no social convention, but the Divine
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Creative leadership is exercising the task to change the traditional role from commander to coach,from manager to mentor, from director to delegator and from one who demands respect to one who facilitates self-respect
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Quality leaders are like magnets, they attract the best people
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A leader is one who thinks what he can give to others instead of asking what others can do for him
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A leader gives the credit for success to those who worked for it and absorbs the failures
-A P J Abdul Kalam
If you aspire to achieve great things in life you need magnanimity
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A great mind and a great heart go together
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The higher the proportion of creative leaders in a nation, higher the potential of success of visions like “Developed India”
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Enlightened leadership is all about empowerment
-A P J Abdul Kalam
When a leader empowers the people, such leaders are created who can change the course of the nation itself
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Indomitable Spirit
We need a spirit of victory, a spirit that will carry us to our rightful place under the sun, a spirit which will recognise that we, as inheritors of a proud civilisation, are entitledto a rightful place on this planet. If that indomitable spirit were to arise, nothing can hold us from achieving our rightful destiny
-A P J Abdul Kalam
A vision leading to higher goals of achievement is the first component of indomitable spirit
-A P J Abdul Kalam
The second component of indomitable spirit is the ability to overcome all burdles coming in the way of mission accomplishment
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Power comes from inside
-A P J Abdul Kalam
You will be remembered for creating that page in the history of the nation
-A P J Abdul Kalam
You have to evolve yourself and shape your life
-A P J Abdul Kalam
Perception of disability lies in the mind
-A P J Abdul Kalam